On November 1st, 2012 two great forces in Atlanta will premiere there highly anticipated dance concept video to the world. Donald "D-Ray" Colson and Gary Beauford the visionaries behind the project, will unleash there talents on an all out concept video like no other. Directed by Romaine Phillips and set on a building roof top over looking the Atlanta Sky line, the video will undoubtedly widen eyes and give a whole new meaning to dance concept videos.
While on set for the video, we got a chance to interview D-Ray and Gary and learn more about this amazing collaborative.
ADS: How did you come up with the idea of doing the video altogether?
D-Ray: I know I wanted to do another video before I left, but I wanted this one to be bigger. I started thinking of different ways of how it could be bigger. I thought it would be dope to do a video big enough to were I could gather a lot of the dancers here in Atlanta. Not just professional dancers, but dancers who are just passionate here, period. Dancers who are on the grind taking class every week and trying to get better and better at their craft. This will create an experience for us to dance together and inspire each other, which happened perfectly. Every night we have rehearsal is like dance church. There's so much energy. You see dancers fighting for it. That's the stuff that reminds us as choreographers or even other dancers why we dance. It's those magical moments you can't make up.
ADS: When D-Ray mentioned the project to you, what was your initial reaction?
Gary: I was excited! We had talked about doing a collaboration together around the summer time, but I ended up leaving to go to LA for a while to train, build and grow my craft. When I got back we didn't have time because we both were getting like crazy busy. He was getting ready to leave and I got busy with gigs and teaching, so when we finally found some down time, I hit him up and said, "Yo let's make it happen" and he was like alright I got a great idea. From there on with his idea, we both came together, choreographed, collabed, and you see what you see. I hope everybody in Atlanta loves it.
ADS: How would you classify this video?
Gary: I want to say ground breaking! Ground breaking to were its going to let people know that there are a lot dancers with a lot of potential fighting to do what they love to do, which is dance. It's going to showcase a lot of people who don't get a lot of shine. It's not a bad thing that they don't get shine, but it's because there are a lot of people already in the lime light, so it's hard for other people to get their shine. I think this video is going to showcase some dancers that you've never seen or some dancers that you're like wow, I never thought that he or she could be able to perform on such a high level. It's definitely going to showcase the dancers in Atlanta. That was an idea that was brought to me to showcase the dancers here in Atlanta and allowing it to bring us together.
You heard it from there mouth! Be sure to check out this ground breaking video that's sure to make a mark on Atlanta. Save the date November 1st, 2012!
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